Notice: The Storyboard contains a few important content from the game. If you want to play this game in the future, then don't play this map.Ib is a very beautiful game. You should play it o3o.
FYI: If you're interested in this game, you can download it
here. It's in Japanese. And for more languages(English, Chinese and Korean) ver, you can check
Thanks LKs and Niva for timing o3o
Special thanks to tsuka who suggested me to play this game o333o.
Special thanks to Muya for artist research.
Special thanks to Niva for very helpful mod. (I used 1 hour to check your mod lol.)All work by me (including Skins and SB) (好久没单干了╮(╯▽╰)╭)
I hope you enjoy this map. Really. DX
BTW. the end of the Storyboard is only the mapper(which is me obviously) 's wish.SPOILER稍微解释一下我做的最后一个ending. 算是个人的一个小心愿,即三人幸福的生活在一起
我看着自己选的这张图所做成的结尾,有的时候自己也会想,在经过了这一切以后,这个站在画前面的Ib,是否知道自己曾经在一个奇怪的美术馆里,认识了Garry和Mary ,遇到了简笔画的世界,见到了一只在找窝的蚂蚁,和一群看上去恐怖的布娃娃。
当然这个问题比较见仁见智,就请看官自己做决定好了 lol。